“Fortunately, despite the encroaching suburbs, it was only a short walk to the mountainous foothills. I would often go for walks in the rugged, sage-brush strewn hills a short distance from my house. It was during these walks that I would find parallels between my experiences in life and the foliage around me. It was a beautiful classroom and my Creator was the teacher.
“My healing journey was made possible by the God-given love of friends, but in reality I give full credit for my survival to the Savior and His "healing wings." My journey included a great deal of dialogue between me and my Creator. I would not have been able to trust any mortal relationships without His help. He guided me to people who could help me and He softened my damaged, untrusting heart so that I could take advantage of that help.” (My Tears Fall Inside, page 83 -84)
Taking care of wild animals and rescuing them, was very important to me. Child parts of me could totally relate to their fear of human closeness and touch. It sometimes took a long time for an animal to trust enough to allow me to help them, just as it took many weeks and months to let people close enough to reach me. It was a very long journey, but God worked with me and others in order to bring about the gradual changes.