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A live presentation by the Author. Shipping and taxes are included in this sale price.
My Tears Fall Inside - Paperback Book (235 Pages)
My Tears Fall Inside: Audio Book on CD (5 CDs) NEW
Read by the Author: Listening to the unabridged audio book read by the author allows the listener the unique opportunity to hear an occasional child personality read her own words.
My Tears Fall Inside: MP3 Audio Book (1 CD) NEW
Read by the Author: Listening to the unabridged audio book read by the author allows the listener the unique opportunity to hear an occasional child personality read her own words.
My Tears Fall Inside: Kindle eBook

$ 6.99
To purchase the Kindle eBook, use the Amazon.com link below.
The Silent Cries - Paperback Book (368 pages)
This book is the second half of my story, which began in My Tears Fall Inside. It can also be a "stand alone" book.
The Silent Cries: Audio Book on CD (11 CDs) NEW
Read by the Author: Listening to the unabridged audio book read by the author allows the listener the unique opportunity to hear an occasional child personality read her own words.
The Silent Cries: MP3 Audio Book (2 CDs) NEW
Read by the Author: Listening to the unabridged audio book read by the author allows the listener the unique opportunity to hear an occasional child personality read her own words.
The Silent Cries: Kindle eBook

To purchase the Kindle eBook, use the Amazon.com link below.
Hear My Cry: Writings From My Soul - Paperback Book (410 pages)
This is a companion book to My Tears Fall Inside and The Silent Cries. Many people have expressed interest in reading more of my poetry or what I call "Writings From My Soul" and this book is the complete compilation of those writings.
Hear My Cry: Audio Book on CD (7 CDs) NEW
Read by the Author: Listening to the unabridged audio book read by the author allows the listener the unique opportunity to hear an occasional child personality read her own words.
Hear My Cry: MP3 Audio Book (1 CD) NEW
Read by the Author: Listening to the unabridged audio book read by the author allows the listener the unique opportunity to hear an occasional child personality read her own words.
Hear My Cry: Writings From My Soul: Kindle eBook

To purchase the Kindle eBook, use the Amazon.com link below.
Order all 3 books at once and receive a $12.00 discount. Shipping and taxes are included.
Order all 3 Audio Books on CD at once and receive a $42.00 discount. Shipping and taxes are included.
Order all 3 MP3 Books at once and receive a $27.00 discount. Shipping and taxes are included.