“I walked in nature during all kinds of weather and learned to appreciate the rain. Anyone who has smelled a new rain falling on dry, desert sagebrush has had a memorable experience. As expressed in this writing, rain became my teacher. It reminded me of the cleansing power of tears.
I love the rain,
lightning and black clouds.
I love the power of thunder.
Rain makes green things grow.
Rain washes away
the filth of life.
Too much sunshine,
with no rain,
parches the land,
pretends that all is good,
sunny and beautiful,
while killing the growing things.
Life is rain,
thunder, lightning and black clouds.
Rain feels honest.
Troubles make green things grow,
and tears, like rain,
wash away the pain.
It is in the washing away
that sunshine becomes real again.
It is then that sunshine
becomes warm
and beautiful,
no longer a desert maker.
Oh rain,
drench my heart and soul.
Cleanse my insides
and wash away the pain.
Let it flood
that sunshine may become real to me.”
Crying is healing. It is an essential way to get the sadness from the inside of us to the outside of us where it can no longer hurt us. It literally washes away the pain. Some grief is so deep that it takes a bathtub full of tears in order to let it go, but eventually the tears lessen the ache and life becomes bearable again. Tears plus time equals a significant part of the healing process.