“I decided to ask her if she could help me, thinking that she might just offer some advice. I was surprised when she came to my home and helped me complete the entire project. Later, Audrey wanted to help her sister with a wallpaper project in a town a hundred miles away and I decided to return the favor and volunteered to help her.
“The 100-mile drive to her sister's home offered an opportunity to talk. Because we were driving at night, I felt safer opening up to her when I knew she couldn't see my face. In fact, over the subsequent years, as I shared my life with various people it would often be with a sweatshirt or jacket hood covering my face. I felt safer disclosing when I knew my face wasn't exposed.” (My Tears Fall Inside, page 67)
Opening up to anyone is a very vulnerable experience. However, by letting someone into your world, a closeness is developed that can not happen in any other way. It is worth the risk, even though people aren’t perfect and sometimes disappoint you.