"I had a memory come back during therapy quite some time ago of the satanists putting my right hand in a vice. They were crushing it and it had to do with brainwashing. In the memory the child part said, 'They were breaking my hand.' I assumed it hadn't literally been broken, but was only a child's interpretation of the experience, 'It hurts, therefore it's broken.'"
"Later, in a letter I wrote to a church leader:
"I mentioned in the last letter about the bump on my right hand and I want to tell you what just happened the last few days. I bumped my right hand really hard and hurt it right next to the already existing bump. It swelled a little and hurt quite a lot at first, and when it was still swollen the next day, I decided to go to the doctor to have it x-rayed just to make sure I hadn't broken it.
"I saw a doctor I have never seen before. When he saw my hand he immediately asked me if I had broken my hand before. I just told him I had injured it as a child. After my hand was x-rayed, the nurse told me that the doctor would be a while because he saw something he needed to talk to the radiologist about. When he came back, he told me that he had seen a definite line in the x-ray that showed a fracture, but that he wasn't sure if it was an old break or a new one. He said the radiologist told him it was definitely an old break.
"My hand is already doing much better, but it was interesting to have actual proof that my hand was indeed broken once before--especially since I had had no conscious memory of ever having broken it, and the child part remembered it before I had any verification that it might even be true." (My Tears Fall Inside, pages 38-39)
The child part remembered what had happened, even though I had no conscious memory of ever breaking my hand, and the truth of that memory was evidenced by the medical x-ray. The mind has amazing and incredible capacities. If we truly understood all that it can do, we would stand in awe.