“Shortly after beginning therapy, I had a dream about Dixie. I dreamed that she was lonely and needed a friend. My dream was very strong and I awoke thinking, 'I am to be Dixie's friend.' I dialed her phone number but because this was Christmastime, she was away visiting family. Despite my dream, however, I took no further immediate action to pursue a friendship with her.
“As was common in our church, as newcomers, Guy and Dixie were asked to speak to the congregation and they gave excellent, inspiring talks. Listening to Dixie speak, I thought to myself, 'She can handle this. She seems like someone who would understand that God can speak to us through dreams. If I have an opportunity to talk to Dixie about my dream, I will.'"
“A couple of months later, I needed a way home from an evening meeting and Dixie was there to give me a ride. After she talked about some events in her life, I decided to tell her about my dream.
“‘I had a dream about you a couple of months ago."
“Surprised, she asked, ‘Really? What was it about?’”
“‘I dreamed that you are really lonely and need a friend, and I am it.’”
“With that, she immediately started crying. She then commented, ‘Oh, I'm so glad to know the Lord's aware of me because I'm very lonely and I've always had better friends that were your age than my own age.’ She was twenty years older than I was.” (My Tears Fall Inside, pages 74-75.)
God is aware of each of us, though at times we may not feel it or realize it. He knows what we are going through and it matters to Him and sometimes He allows us the privilege of being instruments in His hands to help someone else not feel so isolated.