"I failed to realize that my concern about appearing 'unhealed' was actually one of the factors preventing my healing. If I would just let my child parts express themselves, in all their painful desperateness, then I could potentially get to a more stable emotional state. It seemed very counter-intuitive, but the more I allowed expression of these intensely painful emotions the more 'healthy' I would be." (The Silent Cries, page 21)
The following poem found in The Silent Cries, page 21, and also in Hear My Cry: Writings From My Soul, page 312, shows an additional perspective.
I smile and chatter and laugh.
You think I am doing well,
then you leave
and I feel sad.
I kept it away while you were here.
I like to look happy and fine.
I want to be all better.
But sad stays inside
and doesn't disappear with smiles
and doesn't get better
hiding away.
I think it is smart to be happy
and stupid to feel sad.
"You can keep it away if you want to."
But when I keep it away,
it stays inside
and doesn't go away ever!!!